Mixed (ar)Rivals: Unravelling inter-migrant group relations

Essaouira, Morocco | © Stephen / Adobe Stock

Main Objective

The main objective of the MixedRivals project is to unravel inter-migrant group relations and to answer when they may turn rival and violent or rather solidary. The aim is to understand and examine the following three main research questions:

  • When and how do different (forced) migrant groups become potential rivals?
  • What factors increase or decrease the risk of rivalries between (forced) migrant groups?
  • When do rivalries turn violent?

Method Steps

  • Field Research and Data Collection

    MixedRivals takes a cross-sectional comparative research design with case study elements; Collecting qualitative and quantitative data in five North African cities: Tunis and Sfax (Tunisia), Cairo (Egypt) and Rabat and Casablanca (Morocco).

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  • De Facto (Forced) Migration Policy

    Building on previous data collection efforts, MixedRivals will try to code new and extended data on de facto (forced) migration policies in (North) Africa that reflects the refugee and migrant rights situation in practice and on the ground.

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  • Inter-Migrant Group Relations

    MixedRivals aims at advancing the conceptual and theoretical framework on inter-migrant group relations by taking an interdisciplinary approach bringing together 1) socio-psychology 2) violent conflict research 3) the rivalry concept 4) refugee and migration studies and 5) policy effects literature together.

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Funded by the European Union (ERC, MixedRivals, project number: 101117243). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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